Also look how diverse this group is, makes me happy.
Also drinking in the hallway, always a good time.
Avoid tornadoes by standing in open areas
Update: everyone who commented on this is wonderful :D
Update: Justin Perry and Ken Benjes were the first victims of this terrorism known as tornado panic 2010.
Dear LQ Residents,
I have just been notified that a Bon Appetit employee showed up to work this morning at the Grab-n-Go to find human feces on the Lewis Quad kitchen floor. She called Public Safety and sanitized the floors and cabinets with bleach and water.
I am quite disappointed about this incident. This is disgusting and unacceptable anywhere on campus, but most especially in a kitchen area used for food preparation.
As a result of this behavior, the LQ kitchen will be closed after Grab-n-Go closes at 2 p.m. for the rest of the semester. Residents can only use the kitchen when RA staff are on-duty at night. We regret that this action is necessary, but it is due to the inexcusable behavior of an unknown person(s).
If you have any information regarding the identification of the person(s) responsible for this behavior, please contact a member of the Residence Life staff or Public Safety. We will reopen the kitchen if the responsible
person(s) comes forward or is identified.
Joanne Goldwater
Associate Dean of Students/Director of Residence Life
Finally, I would like to thank the tenants of a few of the Crescent Townhomes for their entertainment between 1:00am and 3:00am on Saturday morning.