What better way to spend your April 20th than to attend the Patuxent Defense forum! With panels like
Civil-Military Cooperation on the High Seas: Piracy off the Coast of Somalia and
Economic Security Implications of Military Stabilization Efforts: The Iraq Surge as a Case Study you won't want to miss it!
you're a cocksucker
ReplyDeletelaawwwl people actually give a shit about the lives of our countrymen//what we're doing over in iraq.... how funny and amusing that some people don't sit around and do absolutely jack shit! great to see our new sga vice president is a an aware and engaged citizen...I'm so excited for the future of st. mary's.......
ReplyDeleteSo, what I was trying to do was make a joke about smoking weed (since it was 4/20) and going to a serious panel about important topics. It wasn't very funny though.
ReplyDeleteI think the panels topics are really interesting. Water/oceans is one area where cooperation between private citizens/businesses and law enforcement is really necessary, just because it's so vast and there are so few patrolling vessels.
Sorry if I offended you.
I like how anon thinks that a qualifier for being SGA vp is to care about national/international politics when It's been made evident to us that the only thing the SGA does is give money to barns boats and clubs. If you believe that the political efficacy of SGA members has anything to do with the future of St. Mary's, get your head out of your ass.
ReplyDeleteI was more reacting to like...how so many people on this campus are totally apathetic about...well, most things outside of having fun/drinkin beer/smoking (all good things, yes, but respectfully, some of us want more from life) and its kind of tiresome to want to have a more engaged campus and have just everyone from top (SGA) to bottom seem totally resistant to like...doing stuff or thinking about stuff, at all, ever...(water trampolines aside)
ReplyDeleteso yeah, I get the joke and, yes SGA members not members of intl sphere, dis dude will make a great vp I'm sure, but despite how 'liberal' we all claim to be, only a distinct minority seem to actually like...do shit or care about shit (water trampolines aside). its a little frustrating at times
That's a fair point. I think that our rural location in some ways makes it harder to be connected with that is going on in the real world, but as a result we're sometimes more connected with what is going on in the local community. And really, stuff like war and defense forums probably just bore a lot of people. SEAC is pretty active on campus, and there are a multitude of service groups that put a lot of effort into bettering the community.
ReplyDeleteI feel like everyone has their interests, and for some it's not international policy. Just because someone is not very interested in world conflict doesn't mean that they are completely apathetic, but they may feel a closer connection to the issues that are going on in St. Marys County (like displacement, poverty, housing issues, etc.)
i feel like ken is a well-informed (and jolly!) fellow. he always seems to be doing stuff on campus. he does a activities supporting the school and manages to have fun partying and getting nude (all those around him get boners as a result of both the nudity and school support). i will always support ken for SGA VP, one of my two dads, and a future housemate. Also, for the uninformed, ken takes a journey around the world every december 24, so he knows a lot about international issues.