- Clean up! No one likes messy houses
- Remove breakables/valuables! No one likes stuff getting broken/taken
- Get a mop! Probably gonna end up with a muddy floor, which leads to
- Remove rugs/place more rugs! Rugs will get muddy, but maybe better than floor getting muddy??
- Buy alcohol (for distribution to older people!)
- I think my house is doing that thing where you get a 30pack and a handle and country time lemonade mix and THROW IT ALL TOGETHER and it somehow doesn't taste horrible.
- I wanted to mix Rikki and food coloring but everyone else thought that this was a horrible horrible idea
- They are probably correct
- Buy candy (for distribution to young people!)
- Decorate! Kinda want to put gravestones on the portico
- Kinda thinking of locking back door + doors to rooms
- Clean up the outside the next day!
Wonder who invented Hallowgreens...someone provide details
Ahh memories. I remember my first Hallowgreens. Here is a cool video from 2006 Hallowgreens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L3hMJKLP18 which has a Pyramid, which I think was also made in 2007? I'm pretty sure I saw one during my first Hallowgreens. I dressed up as The Dude from Lebowski. I think it was one of my first times on the Greens, and I was overwhelmed, it was just absurd and great. Miss being a clueless first year sometimes.