Tuesday, February 2, 2010

SGA Meeting 2/2/2010

Groundhog Day wooo. I watched it today, it's still really awesome.

8:07 - Haven't started yet. Not a lot of people here, probably because of Lost premiere

8:13 - Finally starting. The projector is not working :[

8:15 - Music Lover's Club, the new name of Crazy Pianos. Cool. "Support network for people who like music" - lol support network.

8:16 - Passed! No one voted against it

8:19 - White Room Club. I have been to White Room events and they're pretty cool.

8:25 - It passed

8:26 - Wollof Club, something about Gambia. It is a tribe there. This sounds pretty cool, but I wonder what kind of stuff they'll do. Wollof is also a language, so they will practice that and reminisce about the Gambia and drink Gambia tea. Gambia.

8:27 - Senator Winship has a good point, about incorporating it into the International club.

8:30 - It's snowing!

8:33 - It passed!

8:35 - Voted on Presidential Search committee people things, I don't know how to explain it exactly, but I nominated this man Zach Etsch and Becky White laughed at me. I think he'll do a good job

8:36 - Inventory policy legislation. Makes clubs accountable for all the stuff that they have (inventory) so that they don't request the same stuff over and over. So this is a really cool idea I think.

8:43 - Passed

8:46 - Club sharing policy. It's about getting clubs to share items that the SGA has bought, so that we don't buy stuff like Rubik's Cubes for several different clubs. Cool idea, but I wonder how often it will be used. It's a good policy though for sure.

8:57 - blah blah blah

9:00 - It passed, 18-4.

9:01 - Lisa Neu just said something about food committee. That is my thing, I hope this is something good that she wants to talk about.

9:03 - Debbie said that she isn't talking for 40 minutes this time, woot. <3.>

9:06 - Anna Winship just got Presidential Search and Student Trustee search mixed up...

9:07 - Debbie acknowledged the lack of GSN and said that I told her this, and that the Student Trustee Search Forum would be the closest game show experience due to lack of GSN. I miss GSN so much :[

9:10 - 100,000$ in Special Carryover. Cool.

9:11 - I am really hungry

9:27 - Alex Walls I am happy that there is now heat in your bathroom and I totally care.

9:33 - Meeting over

wed feb 10 8 pm shaefer 106 - student trustee search forum, go to it

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