There is school tomorrow! PANIC!
Update: People really seem to hate Chip Jackson for sending out those emails, but he's really nice/cool. Also pretty.
Image via. koko O.
Update: My class for tomorrow got cancelled. Maybe other professors are doing this as well?
I heard it was supposed to start snowing mid-day and go through Wednesday night, and we're getting up to a foot, so I wouldn't be surprised if we get Wednesday and maybe Thursday off.
ReplyDeleteI imagine this girl koko gave herself that nickname, making it more pathetic and stupid.
ReplyDeleteTo the last comment:
ReplyDeleteUgh what the fuck, who says shit like that? Don't be a fucking asshole, she's awesome.
The only thing thats pathetic and stupid about anything is that you don't have the balls to be anything but Anonymous. Sure, just remain invisible and hide you piece of trash.
Seriously, does saying shit about people you don't even know make you feel like you're awesome? Well, you're not; you're just wrong, and a douche bag.
seriously, that is mean. stop hating.
ReplyDeleteHow in the world could anyone hate Koko???
ReplyDeleteKoko is the shit, so don't be hating.
ReplyDeleteI hope Koko sees this wall of love dedicated to her, cause she seriously is the sweetest/nicest/most bad ass person out there.
ReplyDeleteAlso, it just looks like "Anonymous #2" obviously missed a naptime.
Seriously though, koko? Come on. And no one is refuting the point that she made it up. Who makes up their own nickname? Is she some kind of wannabe indy hipster kid?
ReplyDeleteand to Ben: That is some serious neckbeard level white knighting going on there sir, might wanna chillax a bit.
ReplyDeleteshe didn't make it up, someone made it up for her 2 years ago cause it's her intials? dur.
ReplyDeleteliterally why are you spending your time trying to bash someone by assuming they "made up their own nickname" (which they didn't even do)
ReplyDeleteyou have some serious pathetic issues going on, anonymous.
And also, go back to 4chan, you troll