Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Sound of Talk is a Radio Show

In addition to running the most successful SMCM blog, I also have a radio show which is hosted with Ben Casto and Bryan Miller.

This show is The Sound of Talk

This week our topic is black history month. We will be answering some challenging questions like:
-Who are our favorite black people
-How much do people that say "why isn't there white history month" suck (for reals these kids are stupid)
-Is the wu tang clan something to fuck with? (preliminary research says no)

We may also discuss
-omgomgomgomg Blink 182 reunion
-Carbon Leaf - are they cool?
-blah blah blah

Okay so listen in tonight at 9 to channel 61 or


  1. it's also national return carts to the supermarket month, if I am correct.

  2. I think you need to conclude that Carbon Leaf is not cool.

  3. and if carbon leaf isn't cool what does that say about our campus population.
