Saturday, January 15, 2011

Snow Removal Job

Kevin Mercer, the guy in charge of the Grounds is hiring students at a rate of 10$/hr to shovel snow!  Interesting.  I wonder if any other schools do this.  I really enjoy shoveling snow, but I can't imagine wanting to do it for more than an hour.  I feel like I would get really lazy after awhile.

Also, when this was sent out all emails sent to Kevin were met with an 'out of office auto-reply'.  Why was it sent when he wasn't around!  Oh well, it doesn't really matter.

I wonder if there are fewer Grounds workers now so they are hiring students to do boring stuff.


  1. incoming snowpocalypse part 2 of which the students are as yet unawares??? does the faculty know something we don't know???

  2. i hope to god snow doesnt come back :(

  3. I would shovel snow for that price, good exercise, haha.

  4. The UK had it's coldest month in since records began in december, might be time too start considering this :P

  5. Wish they did that here... I would be all over it

  6. Yes, Physical Plant is understaffed. So is the rest of the college. We love working here, but over the last few years we're been asked to do more and more, and it's frustrating. Be nice to the staff! :)
