Friday, September 3, 2010

New Director of Public Safety

There is a new Director of Public Safety yalls.  New dude seems into talking to the students (via the open hour Fridays from 12:30-1:30) as opposed to just yelling at us (via Brooks).  Is Brooks still around?  I think he sent out an email the other day, so maybe he is.

Dude's name is Chris Santiago.  Santiago is a real cool name, liking this dude already.  Feel like I should also give him a catchy name, like Jurgo (legit heard someone call him this, but it might have been because I had said it like a hot minute before).  Maybe Santy?  Gives impression that he is jolly and also hands out gifts (in the form of alcohol citations).  Kinda could be construed as a derogatory/disrespectful name though.  OH WELL!

Anyway, hope he is cool and all that jazz.


  1. Jurgo is also going to Joe Urgo's dj name!

  2. Tony Brooks is still at the college!

  3. Dude, I have a friend named Santi here. I dig it.

  4. what about chrissant like croissant?

    fail. lame

  5. sent an email to brooks complaining about the towing bonanza. no reply yet.

  6. I thought keenan was the shift supervisor. Lets hope not though. he can be hella abusive to students.

  7. rumor mill states: Brooks is ranking officer and has been for some time. Nancy Raley is the PS office associate head honcho. Together, they've been making up for a lack of a Director, but Santy is filling a role that's simply been vacant for a while. No one is being replaced.

  8. @ Andrew-
    In lot R?
    Why complain about it? Did they not have enough of a warning because they weren't ticketed first? I'm sure the towing was justified (without warning), since the cars that I noticed were towed were not only illegally parked along the grass, but that prompted others to park along side them--blocking the first two cars parked illegally, and a whole row of cars that could not back out of their spots.
    I'm sure other cars may have been unfairly towed as well, but people just need to have respect and common sense. I didn't shell out $100 to play parking lot Tetris.

  9. Anon #4, you're right about Brooks being the ranking officer.

    And Pubsafe cracked down on a bunch of illegally parked cars around the townhouses the first morning of classes. Kinda sucked.

  10. Also, anybody know wtf was happening around DPC Sunday night? State troopers... somebody got arrested...
