Tuesday, March 2, 2010

SGA Meeting 3/2/2010

SGA Meeting woo

8:03 - Chris Rodkey showed me his new piercing. I've been thinking about getting one, and I like his method of 'being really drunk during it'. May have to heed his advice.

8:07 - Advice from Anna, get really drunk if you ever need to remove stitches by yourself.

8:12 - Talking about how we call freshmen 'first years'. Jennifer Conard-Black (forgot how to spell her name) just made me realize that 'men' is in freshmen. Pretty good reason to use first year, as well as the stigma of freshman. Issue is that Athletics generally (always) uses freshman instead of first year, so SGA is sponsoring a resolution to say 'we support the initiative (that was started over a decade ago) to use the term first year. If you do a quick search of smcm.edu, you'll find freshman all over the website, both on athletics and even on admissions. So we really need to reaffirm this initiative/college policy.

8:20 - Matt Foerster told me that we should say 'human up' instead of 'man up'. Agreed.

8:23 - Alex Walls just said piggybacking again. Take a drink.

8:30 - Tony Quick isn't convinced about the gendered words thing.

8:31 - Alex Bertrand just let us all know she is in fact a woman, excellent.

8:32 - Getting thirsty.

8:35 - Passed the resolution affirming our support of the use of the term 'first year'. RADICAL.

8:36 - New Club - St. Mary's Medievalists. It's connected to a larger, national group known as the Society for Creative Anachronisms, which I think is cool because it makes the group more legitimate I feel.

8:40 - Becky asked if they are going to Renaissance Fest, and the girl was like no. I laughed.

8:43 - Wonder who the two that voted against the club are. I can probably guess. Either way, it passed.

8:50 - Shoutout. Cool radio show Tuesdays at 6. This is a paid shoutout. If you want a paid shoutout, please contact me. This radio show is hosted by two non-ugly girls who play cool music/The Hold Steady.

8:56 - So many typos with Louis Ritzinger's Funding Bylaw, must have been drunk.


9:08 - Need SafeBoat for Tiki Bar opening.

9:10 - Alex Walls just killed a bug.

9:13 - Meeting is over.


  1. i guess we need to pass a resolution disallowing the use of the word "woman" on campus because you know, it has "man" in it.

  2. Writing legislation drunk is a winning proposition. Or resolution.

  3. Marlena always writes the voting results in the minutes. So when she posts them you can check! But I bet you can guess too!

  4. guess we can't fight for humanity anymore either

  5. Love the SCA! Glad to know we're getting a chapter here.

  6. piercing, a prince albert: si/ no

  7. http://theantiqueengagementrings.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/PrinceAlbert1842.jpg

  8. Everyone in our house needs to get prince alberts next year Catherine

  9. If you know any news, can you post what happened to Patrick Kennedy? So sad. :(

  10. Don't know anything besides his passing. Hope his family is doing well.
