Wednesday, October 29, 2008

An Apology

I would like to apologize to Jeremy Pevner. It has come to my attention that people actually read this blog, and I've said a lot of mean things about him, and that he is aware of this.

Jeremy is easily one of the hardest working students on campus. I don't know how he was time to put so much effort into the school and its future, while being RHC of WC and attending class. It's just ridiculous. He knows about everything going on at SMCM and can really give you an excellent summary of any campus issue.

And even though he talks a lot during SGA meeting and has an opinion on everything, I think it would really be a major loss if he wasn't around. I know that personally Jeremy has been of help to me in various ways, and the 09-10 school year is going to be a lot different without him around.

In conclusion, Jeremy I honestly am sorry for saying those things because you of all people don't deserve it.

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