Wednesday, April 2, 2014

SGA 4/1

8:24 -- Sports guy talked. Taylor Schaefer asked him about an app that people anonymously say mean things on.
8:26 -- New Interim Public Safety Director is here.
8:29 -- Public Safety guy is talking about the search for the new director.. tbh this seems like waste of energy considering we get one every year.
8:37 -- Andrew Wilhelm wrote a student bill of rights? Andrew Wilhelm is telling a story about a guy who thought that if your RA catches you drinking and you get the RA to drink the drink, it doesn’t count.
8:39 -- This Bill of Rights cherry picks rights… from to the Point, the ResLife contract  and other places.
8:40 -- Andrew Wilhelm said J-Board… uh, obviously it’s C-Board now.
8:41 -- Evan is disregarding parliamentary procedure ‘uh, whatever, that’s fine’.
8:43 -- Shelby Perkins was written up twice her freshman year.
8:43 -- The Bill of Rights will be given out during orientation.
8:44 -- Passed.
8:45 -- JJ Walker got stabbed next to the crab fondue (via senior assassins)
8:45 -- JJ Walker is talking about a heat pump proposal for GSMRF
8:46 -- GSMRF - “it’s a learning experience”
8:47 -- JJ Walker is explaining what a heat pump is
8:48 -- the heat pumps on the greens are 8 levels behind since they haven’t been replaced since the ‘90s. Remember the 90’s.
8:49 -- This is going to cost $246,820. It’ll pay itself back in 11 years.
8:57 -- Approved.
8:57 -- We’re finally getting to the important issues -- soft serve ice cream resolution.
8:58 -- Egg custard is less caloric than hard ice cream, but not necessarily healthier.
8:59 -- Soft serve ice cream machines cost 20,000.
9:00 -- Resolution passes.
9:04 -- Anuli forgot about the fashion report.
9:05 -- Fashion Report: disguises (via senior assassins)
9:05 -- Victoria Cain has a cold.
9:06 -- Take the climate survey.
9:08 -- Applications for SGA positions are available.
9:11 -- 50 Days went well because “we didn’t kill anything”
9:15 -- SEAC is doing divestment from fossil fuels. Login to your SMCM google account and sign the petition here.
9:17 -- Evan says this was an awesome meeting. We spent $246,000.

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