There was no meeting last week. Lame!
8:08 - Meeting has started.
8:10 - The SMUT caucus has formed. There are currently four St. Mary's Ultimate Team members in the SGA, and they all sit next to each other. It is very cute.
8:11 - Student speakout. Peter Black is talking. I think he is really annoying, but he is bringing up a good point, that the ARC hours are getting cut, and that this is really lame. Here is the
facebook group he made.
8:15 - Danny Patrick Thomas Ruthenberg-Marshall is talking about the removal of the "pillow"/mound of dirt near Schaefer and Monty, and that he is kinda upset about it. It is great to see that he is taking the initiative to talk to the administrators about this whole project.
8:18 - Economics Club Constitution. They are changing some stuff, it doesn't really matter.
8:19 - Matt Fafoutis made some legislation about thanking the Physical Plant staff for cleaning up the snow. Awesome! John Campbell and I motioned to vote at the same time, and then we exchanged angry glares.
8:21 - Emergency Funds Appeals. These are really boring I hope they don't last long.
8:23 - Jesse Lee is flexing. I have an erection.
8:31 - Resolution to have this program where someone drives a van to DC one weekend per month. I have mixed feelings. I think I will listen to what other people say, and take their position on the issue.
8:45 - Excecutive board reports.
8:58 - Iben Ricket just mentioned the possibility of a slip n slide. I am excited.
9:05 - Blah Blah Blah
9:17 - Meeting Adjourned