Monday, March 30, 2009

Dance Show

The Spring Semester Dance Show is almost here!  This time it will be held in Somerset gym, and there will NOT be a thursday student show.  Come see it Friday at 8, Saturday at 2 or Saturday at 8.  Exciting!

Oh and I will be in the Dance show, featured in the first ever all male dance.  I even have a solo!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Weekend Report

This weekend was pretty cool with some sweet events!

Spring formal disappointed me because the music was what you would find at any dance, as opposed to classy and formal music.  But other than that I think it went very well, and I enjoyed it for the five minutes that I spent standing awkwardly at the Spring Formal.

The weather was incredible on Sunday.  I visited my friend Anna Kasicky, and she did not realize that the weather was so wonderful because she had been in her room all day with the blinds down.  It was a very sad experience.

The Earth Hour Block Party was cool, I ate a hotdog.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Formal

There is a Spring Formal this Saturday.  A few emails have been sent out about it recently, but they have made me sad for one important reason....

They are no longer advertising the event as a part of the Tolkein Society and Anthro club!  This was the sole reason I wanted to attend!  Usually dances and such are held by groups like Dance Club or BSU and other groups, but never by incredibly nerdy and academic clubs!

I am overly excited for this event because of that reason, but it makes me sad that they have compromised their values and stopped advertising who is sponsoring it.

Either way I think it will be nice to have a classy dance event, and it should be pretty radtastic.  I think I will swing by to see what kind of music they are playing.  I hope their event is a success!

Radical Updates

I was just conversing with Kaitlan Gruber and she has informed me that she and Tricia are in fact twins.  They were separated at birth but brought back together by college.  I am so happy for them!

The date auction got postponed until who knows when.  Lamesauce!

Ben Casto and I are currently playing the new pokemon game.  If anyone else is playing please let us know so that we may challenge you to a duel! (p.s. expect to lose because we have been neglecting schoolwork in order to play more pokemon.  I played pokemon while taking lecture notes today during history class)

Also don't forget Earth Hour this Saturday 830-930 wooooooooo  (turn off your lights)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Orientation Leader Interview

Last night I had my Orientation Leader Interview with Tricia Realbuto, Shannon Lockwood, and a very nice lady whose name I forgot.  I've seen her around campus before but I don't remember her name, I think it might have been Wendy though.  I was kinda nervous, not like super nervous, but interview nervous, and it's hard to remember people's names when you are nervous.  They were all very nice.

Before it started they mentioned having read my blog, and that they looked for their names on it.  I found this odd because I was pretty surprised that they knew about it, but then I thought that there was the possibility that I mentioned it on the application.  Regardless, I will now talk about the three of them in an attempt to be selected as an OL.

Shannon is very nice, we've met a few times and we had survey together.  I think she is from Jersey which is regrettable, but to make up for it she is into sailing and I think her family owns a marina of sorts.  Sometimes I see people with Lockwood Sails shirts and I get really jealous because I totally want one.  (this is how I intend to get one of those shirts).

Tricia is really nice and cool and I was glad to finally meet her.  I think I saw her at AquaAerobics once while I was teaching swim lessons, but it might have been Kaitlan Gruber because sometimes I think they look very similar and I get them mixed up.  I also try to block out most of my memories of teaching swim lessons because they often revolve around horrible horrible small children.

I am pretty sure mystery woman/Wendy/I wish I remembered her name is a student but I'm not positive.  I feel like I have seen her on campus before, but it might have been during orientation last August.  Either way she was also very nice and helpful.

I hope I have made all of their dreams come true by talking about them on this blog (probably not).

EDIT:  THANKS TO FACESTALKING I have figured out her name is Emilie Campbell.  Phew

This Weekend's Movie

This Weekend's Movie is Yes Man.  Times are Friday at 7, Saturday at 6 and 10, and Sunday at 3.  Exciting!

This movie reminds me of Liar Liar.  I think it will be kinda funny, so I guess it's worth going to.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pie Eating Contest

I stopped by the Math Department's 3rd annual Pie Eating Contest.  I find the math department very intimidating because all of the professors have been drinking way too much coffee and were way too happy and upbeat and it was a change of pace from the history department.  I was not able to handle it.  

They had a lot of pies to choose from, which I thought was pretty cool.  The rules were to eat as much pie as you could in 31.4 seconds.

Senator Van Parys entered, along with Senator Caffey.  Brian Van Parys won the first round, but after that I left.  So I'm not really sure who won, but hopefully it was Brian Van Parys.

Edit:  Senator Brian Van Parys in fact won.  He got a tiara as a prize.

Date Auction

My computer is no longer dead so I will start updating again; aren't you excited, dear readers!

This saturday the 28th there will be a Date Auction!  It's at 5:30 in DPC.  I know that John Campbell will be offering a motorcycle ride, ending with a romantic date at the Great Room.

Last night at SGA Karina said it might get postponed to next week though, so wait and see!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lack of Updates

My laptop's harddrive exploded so I haven't been able to update in awhile. However, with the lack of a laptop I have been a lot more productive in doing schoolwork and managed to finish the readings for all of my classes.

Cool upcoming events
-Kohlers this weekend
-Date Auction
-Intramural Soccer
-Battle of the Bands


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fall 09 Classes

Class listings are up! Go to portal, my academics, course schedules, and change it to Fall 09. It will appear a few listings before Spring 09, meaning it's not in order, which is why it took me several minutes to find it.

Portal is a lot different from smartnet for finding classes, but you are able to put in a lot more options like showing only classes that start at noon, etc. It's pretty neat.

So go figure out what classes you want!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring Break

It's Spring Break, so I probably won't update much, but I do have some cool news.

Marlena Weiss and I have been working on a blogging club, and we found a prof. to sponsor us, and we have written up a consitution. We will probably present it to SGA at some point.

Also check out this news article. From what I can gather, a guy put a dildo on a electric saw, the kind that goes back and forth/in and out, and then put the dildo in a lady's vagina. It sounds like a sweet idea, cause I guess it would work fairly well, although I feel like it would be really intense and not that enjoyable. Like slow and sensual would be a lot more enjoyable than a machine fucking me. Either way, the saw cut through the dildo and then it cut the lady's vagina and now she is in the hospital :[

ohhhhhh st. mary's county, you will always have my love and respect.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Band-Less Thursday

Thursdays at the Grind this week will bands! That's pretty exciting.

Instead all of the sexually named A Cappella groups on campus will be performing, including Interchorus, T&A, and SMCMen.

All of these names make me giggle, but over at the St. Mary's Ultimate Team like to keep things classier by expressing our childish love of sexual references via acronyms (SMUT).

Go watch people sing awkward songs!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I am sitting in Psyc 333: Adolescence. I just got handed a sheet of paper, and it is really thin. Like I have never experienced paper of such a low quality.

But I think this is pretty awesome because it is probably cheaper, and less tree material is used per sheet of paper. I realize that the term "tree material" sounds stupid, but I couldn't think of a better word.

In conclusion, SMCM continues to introduce more Green Initiatives I guess?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

SGA Meeting 3/10/09

There was no meeting last week. Lame!

8:08 - Meeting has started.

8:10 - The SMUT caucus has formed. There are currently four St. Mary's Ultimate Team members in the SGA, and they all sit next to each other. It is very cute.

8:11 - Student speakout. Peter Black is talking. I think he is really annoying, but he is bringing up a good point, that the ARC hours are getting cut, and that this is really lame. Here is the facebook group he made.

8:15 - Danny Patrick Thomas Ruthenberg-Marshall is talking about the removal of the "pillow"/mound of dirt near Schaefer and Monty, and that he is kinda upset about it. It is great to see that he is taking the initiative to talk to the administrators about this whole project.

8:18 - Economics Club Constitution. They are changing some stuff, it doesn't really matter.

8:19 - Matt Fafoutis made some legislation about thanking the Physical Plant staff for cleaning up the snow. Awesome! John Campbell and I motioned to vote at the same time, and then we exchanged angry glares.

8:21 - Emergency Funds Appeals. These are really boring I hope they don't last long.

8:23 - Jesse Lee is flexing. I have an erection.

8:31 - Resolution to have this program where someone drives a van to DC one weekend per month. I have mixed feelings. I think I will listen to what other people say, and take their position on the issue.

8:45 - Excecutive board reports.

8:58 - Iben Ricket just mentioned the possibility of a slip n slide. I am excited.

9:05 - Blah Blah Blah

9:17 - Meeting Adjourned

Monday, March 9, 2009

New ARC Hours

I don't know the full specifics, but ARC hours are being severely cut. I was talking to a employee there a few hours ago, and he said that they were going to have a meeting about it soon.

Just now I am learning that apparently the ARC will close weeknights at 9, as opposed to 11, and as early as 7 on the weekends. Other facilities like the climbing wall, pool, etc. are all having their hours of operation reduced as well.

I think that 9 is way too early to close, and that this is all pretty lame.

Milkshake Fridays

This started on a Friday a week or two ago, where the Upper Deck (or maybe The Daily Grind) began selling milkshakes on Friday for a few hours. I don't really understand how this started, but it sounds delicious. They are 2$ each, and are available in strawberry, banana, chocolate, vanilla, and oreo.

A lady Kisha Brooks sent out the email, but I don't know who she is. I searched her name on the SMCM website, but I couldn't find out any information. I guess she works for Bon Appetite.

It seems odd to me that they would just suddenly start offering milkshakes for a two hour period, but this is pretty awesome regardless. It's kinda exciting/exclusive that you can only get milkshakes on Fridays from 2-4.

Alice Waldschmitt has passed away

Maggie just sent out an email saying that Alice has died. She was a trustee emerita. I had to look up the word emerita because I didn't think that it could be a real word, but apparently it means that she used to be a trustee. According to wiki the word is rarely used these days, and I think saying "a former board of trustees member" is a lot less obnoxious sounding.

Either way, Alice sounds like a very nice lady because the vast majority of old ladies are very nice. I am assuming she was an old lady because she died and the email didn't state her age, but it's totally possible that she was a cougar. Also, she has a winter home, so I guess she was pretty ballin'.

I will miss her!


There is new construction! Dan Branigan sent out an email this morning informing us of the removal of the "pillow" or raised mound of dirt between Schaefer and Monty.

I think this is pretty sweet because the mound of dirt is kinda obnoxious, and it should make a really nice green space. It will also make the construction of the proposed outdoor amphitheater a lot easier.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Real Weekend Movie

This weekend's movie was actually Milk. It was really really good.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

This Weekend's Movie

This weekend's movie is..... Yes Man!

I have mixed feelings on Jim Carrey. Actually I'm not really sure how I feel about Jim Carrey, but the film he did about Andy Kaufman was okay.

My brother (Matt Benjes) gave me the book this movie was based off of for Christmas. Apparently it's a pretty good book.

Also just a reminder, Terrorist Fist Jab actually happened. Here at SMCM LOL BLOG we will never refer to a fist bump as a ....terrorist fist jab.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Snow Day Movies

The following movies were shown in Cole Cinema for the snow day

  • Superbad
  • The Goonies
  • Y tu mama tambien
  • Wanted
I think it's a pretty sweet list, especially The Goonies. I like it when the school does stuff like showing movies during a snow day, it's pretty cute.


It snowed! I can't believe we are having two snow days in a row, it is ridiculous!

I am really pretty amazed at how much snow we got.

Not much to say really.