This ‘guest post’, whatever the hell that is, is directed at Alumni. If
you’re a current student, get off the internet and go back to being
drunk and not having responsibility – trust me.
SMCM is going to be fine. I love the outpouring of concern and passion
for our alma mater but 15 years ago our school was best known for the
massive amount of narcotics done on campus and today that’s not even in
top 10 things we are known for.
going to take more than a budget deficit, fewer freshpeople (wish we
had that senior year) and a poorly written op-ed by an uptight,
right-wing reactionary spinmeister to take down the Seahawks. KaKAAAA!
ya’ll should be worried about is the fact that this rag-tag, sorry
excuse for a web log run by a baby-eating drunk is still up and running.
You know Kenjes makes money off this (Editor's Note: $600 so far)?
no one else concerned that this old dude with a creepy beard still
spends all of his time stalking college students? Someone told me they
let him near high school kids too, that’s kind of messed up. I ran into
him at an O’s game and he was legit just standing outside the student
section leering at minors. Leering.
Seriously, this shouldn’t be allowed near children.
we are on the subject of things that are bad for SMCM and possibly
small children, can we talk real quick about the number of recent grads
threatening not to donate over all this ish? First of all, I highly
suspect if you’re saying that, you weren’t exactly about to write a
check – you’re not fooling me.
of all, your reaction to a budget deficit and high tuition is to cut
off funding to the school? Don’t get me wrong, I am not worried… they’ll
survive without a few $10 contribs but that doesn’t exactly send the
message, ‘we are here for you and want to be a part of the solution.’
reaction should be to cut out a few drinks at the next Bocci league
mixer and throw some money St. Mary’s way. AND make sure you tell them
to put yours in unrestricted because restricted funds are terrible in a
budget crisis and stupid in general.
an aside on the topic of drinks, who else misses the hell out of $7
pitchers at the Door…? 7 bucks gets you like a shot of beer in the real
world and it never comes with a pizza.
Painting of The Green Door available at the Campus Store for $200. You can also just buy The Green Door for $250.
back to baby-eating Kenjes – he is the real threat. Has anyone explored
the possibility that the drop-off in admissions rates resulted from
parents finding this blog? Would you send your kids to a school
constantly watched and internet-ed about by a bro whose beard looks like
it could sustain the ecosystem of a Peruvian rainforest? No way. You
just wouldn’t.
am just saying the board can fire Urgo and huff and puff all they want
but if you want the source of SMCM woes, look no further than that
smiley face/boat train wreck of a ‘logo’ above – seriously a monkey
throwing feces could design a better logo (that’s by the way how I
designed The Point News logo, minus the monkey).
and if they do fire Urgo, again, the school will be ok. Yeah, we all
love the guy – he has that classy beard (in contrast with Kenjes’ creepy
one) and he actually cares about students but there are evidently some
issues… firing a bunch of people who seemed pretty competent at their
job, leaving 100+ slots open and digging us in to a budget deficit –
maybe the distant, rule-by-rocket launcher approach Maggie took has some
This happened.
I am really trying to say is, I love you all and I am so pumped for
alumni weekend. And at some point we need to have a little Team SMCM
meeting and figure out what to do about the creepy blogger who is
scaring off new students. Boom, problem solved – world saved. Roll
Always yours,
Dave Chase
Classiest Class of 2012
Former Big-wig, The Point News Publications
PS. Big shout out to Greg ‘12 and Jess ‘11 who got married last weekend at Brome Howard! Seahawk lovin’
If you would like to write a "guest post" on the topic of your choosing, shoot me an email
If you would like to write a "guest post" on the topic of your choosing, shoot me an email
this just in, Dave Chase does something that doesn't annoy the living hell out of us. WTF happened
ReplyDeleteAlumni weekend. Stoked. That is all.
ReplyDeletep.s. I RESENT you telling me that I sent in $10... dude.. it WAS 15 brah! I'm not a peasant or anything ;)
"15 years ago our school was best known for the massive amount of narcotics done on campus and today that’s not even in top 10 things we are known for." I, for one, am pretty psyched that i just celebrated my 15 year anniversary and that we are known for that. When we went, 15 years prior to US was known for the same. Pretty awesome. (I am not being snarky). Keep up the good work, SMCM LOL. :)