Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Grades are up. Gotta access smartnet though. Julia Andrade Rocha reminded me of this trick a few days ago. Just head to


And log in. The username will be your ID, and the password will be something weird, like the password you use for blackboard/an old password. Not sure exactly. But the gradess get put up in real time. At this point they'll probably all be up.

Smartnet is still around (from what I've heard) because teachers really liked it/didn't want to learn a new system and demanded that they still get to use it. Which I think is kinda lame, but I'm glad the school listened to them. I don't really prefer smartnet or portal, but at least portal is prettier.

How did you guys do?

UPDATE: Sasha Goluskin told me that I saved Christmas by telling her how to do this. Yay!


  1. I agree. Smartnet is a Christmas miracle.

  2. thank god for google finding this post...

  3. Lol it's funny, the unofficial transcript on Portal has the updated GPA based on Fall 2010, but no grades posted.

  4. Thank you Sasha Goluskin! This couldn't have been without you. YOU are the true Santa.
