Monday, December 7, 2009

Down with the Sickness

Getting progressively sicker. Came back from break coughing a lot. Now a week later throat is sore. Before finals I imagine I will be dead or something. Therefore I am taking evasive action and beginning a heavy regiment of NyQuil. It will also hopefully lead to awesome/scary sleep.

I learned that a shot glass will hold the correct amount of NyQuil if you pour it in while leaving around the height of a finger unfilled. I don't know if this makes sense, but if you want to take shots of NyQuil I would just recommend measuring it before putting it in a shot glass.

Pics are shitty but I left my camera cord at home, le sigh.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. thanks for the exact measurement lol
    what if i have fat fingers...

  3. In that case I would recommend just using the measuring cup it comes with, and then transferring it to your preferred method of drinking small doses of disgusting tasting fluids.

  4. thats a really trippy picture... it definitely adds to the whole NyQuil effect. props.

  5. there is a yuengling sitting behind the shot of NyQuil....theres the medicine you need!!!

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