Thursday, April 4, 2013


Just got off the phone with a 'real student' doing the phone a thon! Every year/throughout the year students get paid to call alumni asking for donations. You may have noticed facebook statuses along the lines of 'wow they are already asking for donations blah blah blah'. ANYWAYS gonna 'rate' this experience.

Student: She is a sophomore economics major and she really enjoyed the Great Room food this evening. I should have asked if they were serving chicken patties. She had a very 'nice' voice and was not annoying so A+++ 10/10. I would say that of all the callers I have had she was the most interesting/made me feel like I was back at St. Mary's for five minutes (Danielle Doubt you don't count since you specifically sought me out when you called me circa 2011ish).

Sales Pitch: IDK I didn't really listen, I mailed in a donation check the other day and changed the subject to more important things like this blog so rating is N/A.

The Blog: So of course I asked her if she knew about this blog and she did! So A++++ 4.0 GPA 10/10 you win, phone a thon girl. That is impressive that student(s) who began their careers at St. Mary's after I had already left still 'read/experience' this blog. Girl from phone a thon (I didn't really hear what her name was via it's spring break and I am not currently mentally capable of real phone conversations) if I ever see you I'll give you a case of boh.

SO CONSIDER PICKING UP THE PHONE WHEN 240-895-2000 calls you up asking for a donation!


  1. this sounds like my girl Sophia WUUUU

  2. This is so outdated. It's not been called the "Phone-a-thon" for at least 2 years. You're slipping!

  3. Thanks for the shout out Ken Benjes!! Love, Danielle Doubt
