Thursday, December 26, 2013

Winter Break

wow winter break

r u excited 2 b back home?

seeing the family

talking about the usual stuff

  • whats your major (malfunction hahah 1987 film Full Metal Jacket reference)
  • r u dating anyone (yall gettin some ???)
  • lookin 4 jobs? (hellz no)
maybe ur workin/twerkin a lil'. working the retail (GAP) or working at your parent's office (AKA gettin paid to facebook~)

gonna head to local bars, run into kids from high school, feel good/bad about yourself

gotta hit up that old drug dealer, hope he is still 'legit'

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  1. also hanging out with ur smcm friends via everyone's from maryland and doing the same things in somewhat different setting (feeling a little like this:

  2. Ken I'm p. sure the GAP mention a direct reference to me r u kidding me
