St. Mary's hosted a 'legislative reception' on Tuesday ft. free booze and 'appetizers' and invited alumni, so obviously I went.
Apparently it was also a "networking" event. Apparently people wear 'suits' to "networking" events and not white oxford shirts (w/rolled up sleeves) from TJ Maxx w/a Guinness tie?
But being "gainfully" employed I was more interested in the booze and food and stories about St. Mary's from the 90s 80s etc.
Booze: 8/10. Hosts brought wine (red and white) to me and made sure my glass was never empty. The wine reminded me of Franzia, which is a 10/10 in my book. Beer was limited to Heineken and Amstel. IDK why those are considered "fancy event beers" but w/e, they are pretty okay. Kristina nda disappointed in the lack of Natty Boh, via that is what a lot of 'old' (read: older than 25) people complained about.
Food: 5/10. There was some fancy "medium rare steak on a piece of bread" stuff which was rad, and a lot of cheese, but idk I was hoping for mini sandwiches or something that would become my dinner.
People: 9/10 I met famous sailor Gary Jobson and then bragged to my parents about it. Talked to Urgo, he is still an expert on Faulkner and I still don't know what a Faulkner is. Talked to Chip Jackson, still a great dude. Talked to Tom Botzman about his new job. Apparently they asked him about
a blog post I made years ago calling him "cute" (I stand by that remark) during the vetting process (I learned that word on House of Cards). Since he got hired I'm assuming that it was my blog that really tipped the odds in his favor. "The SMCMLOLBLOG Bump." So, you're welcome Tom! He has high hopes for the college getting money from the state this year, I hope he is right. There were also legislators I guess?

Highlight of the night was meeting IRL Leslie Knope (via Parks and Recreation). She works for the Parks Department (specifically the bay), has blonde hair, is in her 30s, and is very happy/chipper. We got her contact info because we wanted to hang out/drink with her but then we lost it so IF YOU KNOW HER PLEASE GIVE US HER CONTACT INFO via needing to hang out with the real Leslie Knope.
Anyway, hopefully I will drunkenly run into some of those alumni at alumni weekend!
Anyway it was a great event and I got some business cards (via networking)! And gave some out to people who usually just handed them back to me.